Guard Rail | Rack Protectors | Safety Barriers
Showing 1–12 of 18 results
VNA Square End of Rack Protectors

Handle It’s VNA Square End of Rack Protectors shield warehouse racks from damage caused by forklifts and other equipment. These protectors can save up to 5 inches in aisle space, which is especially helpful in fully automated warehouses or other areas with Very Narrow Aisles (VNA).
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Stretch Wrapper Guard Rail Protection Kit

Handle It® Guard Rail Protection Kits come with all you need to create a safety barrier and protect the working area of your pallet wrapper. We construct these heavy-duty guard rails out of high-quality steel and other materials.
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Forklift Wheel Stops

A wheel stop is an inexpensive device that can save you a lot of money. Strategically installed in your factory, warehouse, or packaging area, they will stop a forklift truck from being driven somewhere it shouldn’t.
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Guard Rail – Heavy Duty

Handle It heavy duty best selling guard rail system. Rated to withstand 10,000 lb impacts at 4 mph. Available in double or single rail systems.
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Pallet Rack Upright Protector

Handle It pallet rack post protectors are designed to protect the rack uprights from being hit by forklift traffic, or pallets that are stored in the rack bays. We offer sizes to fit around any rack upright width.
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Universal Rack Post Protector

Handle It Universal post protectors are designed to fit on any type of warehouse rack base plate, specifically designed for seismic plates so that you don't give up valuable floor space.
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V-Nose Guard Post Protector

Handle It V-Nose Guards provide superior protection to the posts in your racking aisles. They are designed to withstand impact from forklifts along with any other machine traffic throughout your facility.
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Steel Bolt On Protectors

Handle It offers Steel Bolt on Protectors as a space-saving deflector that keeps the floor clear and enables you to install the protection at the exact height you need.
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Corner Column Protector

Handle It® Corner Column Protectors are designed as a flexible way to protect warehouse rack frames, wall corners, and doorways.
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Shallow Profile Upright Post Protector

Our Shallow Profile Column guards offer in aisle rack post protection without taking up a large footprint of your aisle.
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HDPE Post Upright Rack Protector

Handle It HDPE upright protectors are an economical and easy to install plastic guard that helps prevent costly rack upright damage. Request a Quote Dealer Locator
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Rack Protectors | End of Row Guards

Handle It® end of aisle rack protectors guard your pallet rack frames from dangerous and costly forklift impacts. We offer both heavy duty and standard duty options depending on your needs and budget.
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