V-Nose Guard Post Protector

Handle It V-Nose Guards provide superior protection to the posts in your racking aisles. They are designed to withstand impact from forklifts along with any other machine traffic throughout your facility. It is important to preserve the integrity of the racking systems where inventory is stored. By installing Handle It V-Nose Guards you gain invaluable benefits.

4” height, perfect when there is a beam at the first level

V face design with high visibility yellow powder coat

Slim profile reduces catching of pallets when pulling product

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  • Protect the most vulnerable part of your rack leg
  • Reinforces the rack upright
  • 3/8″ Thickness Heavy Duty
  • Hidden anchor eliminates snagging
  • Low profile design
  • Powder coated Handle It yellow for high visibility
  • Two standards sizes: 4″ height with 4″ inside dimension or 3.25″ inside clearance
  • Custom sizes available


Part NumberMaterial ThicknessHeightInside WidthAnchor SizeNumber of AnchorsWeight lbs.


V-Nose Guard Applications


Personal and professional customer service is offered on all Handle It® Protection equipment. Our V-Nose Guards carry a three-year limited warranty on all materials and workmanship.


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