VNA Square End of Rack Protectors

Handle It’s VNA Square End of Rack Protectors shield warehouse racks from damage caused by forklifts and other equipment. Made from durable ⅜” thick steel, they protect the base of racks, preventing costly repairs and dangerous accidents. Easy to install, these protectors enhance workplace safety and extend the lifespan of your racking systems, ensuring a more efficient and secure storage environment. Particularly beneficial for very narrow aisles (VNA), where order pickers and turret trucks operate, these protectors can save up to 5 inches in aisle space. This is especially important in fully-automated warehouses utilizing AGVs and wire-guided forklifts, optimizing space and operational effectiveness. (These use ¾” Wedge Anchors, sold separately.)

Enhanced Durability & Protection

Improved Workplace Safety

Space-Saving Design

Easy Installation for Immediate Use

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  • Prevents costly repairs and dangerous accidents; maintains structural integrity and extends the lifespan of racking systems
  • Easily integrated into existing rack systems, ensuring minimal downtime
    Saves up to 5 inches in very narrow aisles (VNA), ideal for use with order pickers and turret trucks
  • Durable ⅜” thick steel for maximum protection & longevity
  • 42” or 48” lengths – left, right, and double-ended designs available
  • Uses ¾” Wedge Anchors (sold separately) for secure, stable installation



Part Number Ext. Length Angle Dims. Square End HeightThicknessOrientationShipping Weight


These only add 1 ¾” to the size of racks, and depending on the layout of your warehouse, it could be even less. VNA stands for “Very Narrow Aisles” and they meet that need.

The guard on the VNA square end has a flat face which saves more than four inches of aisle space. For a very narrow aisle, this could be a complete game-changer.

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Personal and professional customer service is offered on all Handle It products. Our VNA Square End Rack Protectors carry a three-year limited warranty on all materials.